What is truth? What a question! Many of us are often fooled and fall prey to lies that we accept as the truth. Why is this? Could it be that we have the utmost confidence in the ones delivering the false messages? Or, is it that we just do not recognize deception?
My theory is that we just do not know what is truth.
Back in Jesus' day, just right before His crucifixion, Pontius Pilate heard Jesus say that He came to testify to the truth and that everyone on the side of truth listens to Him. Notice the words - ”the truth” and “side of truth.” From Jesus’ statement we can surmise that there is only one truth, only one position. Yet, in our society we encourage others to speak and live “their truth”. Well, Pilate heard what Jesus said and asked, rhetorically, what is truth. It appears from his demeanor that he was not interested in learning the answer. He just made a statement and walked off. (John 18:37-38) Is that the case with us? Are we not really interested in knowing what TRUTH is?
We must not do like Pilate. We must discover what Jesus meant by “the truth” and the “side of truth.” Just from Jesus' words alone we can determine that there is no variance with truth. When we follow culture, we will find ourselves lodged between many different views labeled as "truth." There is constant fluctuation between ideas and thoughts daily which leave us often in a quandary, not knowing what to do or whom to believe. That is why it is imperative that we learn truth!
Guess what, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) Look at this statement, there is a definiteness about it. Jesus says He is the ONLY. He uses a definite article "the" to describe Himself. Note, He did not say that He was "a" way or "a truth" or "a" life." He is THE!!! If we are to find direction, truth, and life it must come through Jesus. We must study Him, accept Him, follow Him. There is no other option for truth.
Now, in this life we are met with challenges daily and there is a barrage of information flooding our minds through the various media. Social media has afforded us an outlet to spill what is in our hearts. And most are encouraged to live and speak what has been dubbed as “your truth.” This is where we must take precaution because not every word or idea is truth! To know truth you must anchor yourself in God's word. Otherwise, you will be swaying in the valley of indecision.
So, how can we ward against deception? According to the Apostle Paul in Romans 3:4 we should let God be true and every man a liar. Simple. Right? Yup, but not always easy. We must take those messages that we are being bombarded with daily and measure them against the Word of God. If the message is contrary to what God said, drop it and do not let it take root in your heart. Do not carry it forward. Do not let it live. Crush it and negate its power to continue. Instead, LET God’s word become the authority in your life. LET His word be the barometer for truth.
I know this may be challenging to do especially when we face obstacles that seem insurmountable. But, the fight has been given to us if we remain on the side of the truth! Jesus cannot lose! God does not lie! You may be viewed as unpopular and even ridiculed by the stance you take, but know this, “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:30)
If anything you hear or directed to do violates what God said, then deem it a lie and stay on the side of truth!
So, what is truth? It’s what GOD said.