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Revenge - The Uncontrollable Monster

Have you ever wanted to get back at someone who hurt you? I know I have! I wanted to return the hurt so they could feel the pain they caused me. Really, I felt they had it coming and I would be right in harming them because they started it. But, would that be the end of the matter? Would they let it go or would they feel the need to retaliate? Many would probably retaliate. Then the cycle continues. You hit me. I hit you. You kill my cat. I'll kill your dog. You talk about me. I will talk about you. There is no boundary with revenge. Its borders are non-existent. It is uncontrollable and does not know when to stop.

I saw this strong desire for revenge in Samson as I was reading his story in the book of Judges. I know he was set apart by God for a special assignment and for the most part, he accomplished much for God. However, he had some weaknesses just like us. He did not use the gifts God gave him wisely. He acted violently. He trusted the wrong women. He violated God's law, and he was determined to get revenge.

Look at this. Samson wanted a woman to become his wife whom his parents tried to deter him from. But, he had to have her. He said, "She is the right one for me." We learned this was not true at all. This woman manipulated and betrayed Samson. She cried for seven days trying to get him to give her the answer to the riddle he had given so that she and her family's life could be spared. Granted she was put in a difficult position, but why didn't she tell Samson of the threat made against them? Instead, she thought it better to preserve her life by betraying her husband's trust. When the men gave the correct answer to the riddle, Samson knew what had happened. They had talked to his wife. This infuriated Samson and he went away burning in anger. He left his wife and went back to his father's

house. But, his wife was given to his best man! (That's another story that we would need to discuss at a later time. Y'all need to read the bible. There is all kinds of drama in it!)

After some time had passed, Samson cooled off and he remembered his wife and went to visit her. When he arrived at her father's house he wanted to go to her room, but her father would not let him go in. The father said he thought Samson hated her so he gave her to Samson's friend, the best man. (I told y'all there is drama in the bible!) One of my husband's sayings is, "Never let your best friend hang out with you and your girlfriend." This was Samson's friend! How would you have felt? I can see the steam coming from Samson's head as I read the text! He is brewing! I imagine his wife's father can see that Samson is not happy, too, so he tries to offer a consolation - his younger daughter. He even says she is more attractive than her sister. This is not sitting well with Samson at all! Rather than cutting his losses and going back home he wanted vengeance. He said, "This time I have the right to get even with the Philistines; I will really harm them." And that is what he did. He took 300 foxes, tied them tail to tail in pairs, and fastened a lit torch to their tails and set them loose in the fields of the Philistines burning their grain, vineyards, and olive groves.

I wonder after he did this did he feel vindicated? Did he feel justified for his action towards them? Was there peace in his heart after he got his revenge? The problem with Samson's action is there was a reaction. The Philistines found out that Samson burned their fields and they took it out on his ex-wife and her family. The thing the ex-wife tried to prevent initially came to pass as these men burned her and her family to death.

Here is the cycle of revenge! You hurt me. I will hurt you! You hurt me again. I'll hurt you again! Samson heard what happened and he said, "Since you've acted like this, I won't stop until I get my revenge on you." Do you hear the words of Samson? Do you see how revenge can have no boundaries? He said he would not stop until he got revenge on them. But, when is revenge satisfied especially if the other party has the same mindset? Well, Samson did exactly what he said he would do. He attacked and slaughtered many of them and when he was done he went and stayed in a cave. Surely, this was not the end and this is the problem with seeking revenge. It is uncontrollable. Revenge is unquenchable and keeps wanting more. The cycle will continue unless someone puts a stop to it.

Eventually, Samson is arrested but the motive of the Philistines is to do to him as he did to them. They were not seeking justice, but revenge. Samson's own people handed him over to the Philistines. They asked him "What have you done to us?" Samson said, "I merely did to them what they did to me."

Do you see that revenge is an out-of-control monster that is never satisfied? When does the need to retaliate cease? Seeking revenge is not the response we should take. God said vengeance is His and He will repay. When the desire to get even comes upon us, acknowledge it. Then confide in a trusted person - someone who cares about you and will help guide you in the proper direction. Most of all, please do not forget to pray! Seeking God's help when you are experiencing emotions that could possibly lead you to sin is the best option! There is a strength that comes from turning matters over to God in prayer. Remind Him of His word that says "He will contend with those who contend with you." Give it to Him to handle.

When you are faced with wanting to get revenge, remember the cycle and resist the temptation to get even. Ultimately, the only antidote for revenge is forgiveness.


By the way - I know it was God's plan to attack the Philistines and He chose Samson for this purpose. Although Samson had great physical strength, he lacked control of his emotions. Regardless of his flaws, God was able to use him for His purpose.

You can read about this in Judges 14 and 15.

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Jul 31, 2022

This was good. A cycle of continued destruction that causes much hurt = revenge. Be the bigger person let it end. Great read!

Denise Long
Denise Long
Aug 01, 2022
Replying to

Hello and thank you for the feedback. You're correct. It's the "continued cycle!" Someone must be willing to end the cycle!

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