A simple question, right? But, it is not easily answered. Think about it for a second. WHO ARE YOU? I'll wait...
I bet your first thought was related to the "WHAT" you do in life. For example, some of you may have responded instantly that you are a lawyer, teacher, dentist, scientist, wife, mother, husband, father, officer, counselor, nurse, hair stylist, pastor, massage therapist (I could use one right now), or a child of God. Answering in this manner is natural for us. If you reflect on the introductions you've heard in your life most, if not all, have involved what the person does or has done in his/her life. But, does it really speak to 'who' they are?
Think about this what if you change professions? Would you still be the lawyer? Doctor? What if you get divorced? Would you still be a wife or a husband? I bring it up because I've been asked this question for several years now by an older female friend. She constantly asks, "Denise, who are you?" She does not want me to give her the answer; she wants me to know for myself who I am and this is paramount because knowing 'who' will influence the 'what' I do in life. And this applies to you, too.
Now, this is going to sound harsh, but listen anyway. Some of us are people pleasers. (This is what my friend says about me sometimes.) Guess what! We will NEVER introduce ourselves as that nor will we hear someone else introduce another as that, but it could be part of our character. Did you know that WHO you are is connected with your character? Yup. We can talk about it a little later. Let's get back to people pleasers.
What's wrong with being a people pleaser? EVERYTHING if you proclaim Christ as your Savior. Remember, we have a new nature. We have been given a new life. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. (2 Cor. 5:17) To continue to want to please people means that you are not allowing the Word of God to transform your thinking through the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2). Believers should no longer follow the world's pattern or belief system. That old mindset will not work in the new life. The bible says, " As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7). There are things in our hearts that others cannot see, but God sees. For example, if you are a selfish person you will not introduce yourself as that to someone, but that trait is in your heart and eventually it will come out in your actions. Whatever is in the heart will reveal itself at some point. Believe that!
Ok, I'll admit there have been times in my life that I wanted to be appreciated, accepted, and liked by people. So, what did I do? Things they wanted. Said what they wanted to hear. Adjusted my behavior to fit what they were doing. The problem with this is it is exhausting! People are fickle. It is hard to know how to please people consistently because people change their thoughts and beliefs everyday. The fear of not being accepted or liked motivated my actions. If the truth be told, this was your motivation, too. And this is a problem. Wanting man's acceptance is in direct conflict with being God's servant. (Galatians 1:10) This is the flaw of the people pleaser who is a child of God. The people pleaser chooses man over God. The people pleaser will risk being in right relationship with God to follow the custom and construct of the culture. The people pleaser will put tradition over truth. My friends, this cannot be the road we travel. Everyday, let us strive to stay in the right lane. The lane that follows God and His ways. This is the lane that seeks to please the Father (just as Jesus did). This road may be the least popular, but being on it is better than traveling a crowded street that is moving away from God.
So, who are you? Search your heart. The bible says it is deceitful above all else. Who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9). I tell you, God knows it. He knows who you are. He knew your identity before you were born. Until God's plan is revealed to and in you, you will walk in the wrong way. Remember this thought, whatever is in your heart is WHO you are. The heart reflects the real you (Proverbs 27:19) and your mouth (actions) will in time tell on you. That's what Jesus said, "what's in your heart will come out of your mouth." (Luke 6:45). The good news is we do not have to continue to identify ourselves by WHAT we do if we allow God to show us WHO we are. When we allow His word to abide in us it will transform us We do not have to remain people pleasers, or selfish, or any other trait that is contrary to God's nature. We can be transformed and become who He has designed us to be.
Today, think about it. Think about what God says about you. He says you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that you are created in His image and likeness. (Psalm 139:14). He says you are His and He has summoned you by name. (Isaiah 43:1) Are you living as one who belongs to God? Let's do a self-evaluation and ask God to clean up those matters in our hearts that conflict with our real identity and His plan.
Know who you are!